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The grape harvest in Hungary lasts from St. Michael's Day (September 29) to St. Simon Jude's Day (October 28). At the end of September, the vineyards are filled with harvest workers. Harvest customs include eating and drinking, singing, dancing, a…

A Fibula holds clothes together - its function was similar to the modern safety pin. Known since prehistoric times and used until the Middle Ages, its ornamentation and refinement were in proportion to the wealth of the wearer. The shape of the fibulae is…

Historical overview of technological objects used to record and reproduce sound during the 20th century: from the Edison 'Fireside' Phonograph, the Stentorphone and Auxetophone valved sound boxes for the gramophone and the HMV 2300H portable disc …

Historical overview of technological objects used to record amateur films and home movies during the 20th century: from the first substandard equipment and small-gauge equipment for the 9.5mm, 16mm and 8mm 'safety' film formats to the latest semi-…

Gallery of archive photos from Sofia over the years.

On 22 September, National Girls' Night encourages women to spend a relaxed evening with their best friends. Of course, there are many ways to celebrate Girls' Night, but whether you stay at home or go out, this night invites women to reconnect and…

September 13 is National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. On this day, children are encouraged to help plan, prepare and cook the food. In our gallery, we have collected children's toys from Hungarian museums. These are miniature copies of adult kitche…

Figures of the zodiac in art through the ages and works that recall the characteristics of the zodiac signs in astrology

Photographer Wilhelm Weimar (1857-1917) had a highly individual style. His 'Herbarium' of 1901 is a unique portfolio of organic compositions that testifies to his striking sense of composition, texture and detail.

On September 9, National Teddy Bear Day pays tribute to one of our favorite childhood toys. The teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt, who refused to shoot a small bear cub while hunting in Mississippi in 1902. Cute teddy bears from Hungarian muse…

This phrase means the same thing in English and Hungarian (Bible, Predikátor könyve, 1:9) "... What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. ..." Paintings, photographs of the Sun.

Croatian mercenaries were the creators of the bow tie during the Prussian wars of the 17th century. This bow tie consisted of a scarf around the neck that held the opening of their shirt together. The French upper classes soon adopted the idea. The French…

Lithuanian-American communities are found across the United States. Explore these photographs of their sporting activities.

This is an official public holiday in Hungary. It is the day commemorating King Stephen, who united Hungary under Christianity in the year 1000, and the feast of the new bread. Photos from past celebrations.

Let historical film footage from different decades take you on a journey across Europe!

Explore this gallery featuring paintings, photographs and artefacts with sunflowers

Relax and have fun in 1950s Budapest. Enjoy the summer and chill out on the beach or the riverside with photos from the Hungarian National Museum.