
Explore our galleries

Selection of works of art about the Nativity, belonging to different periods, and in different artistic styles.

We need more women on bikes!

Explore 3D models of buildings, sites and objects from across Europe. The Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, by the European Commission and the Europeana Initiative, invited European Union Member States to select and share at least one emblematic…

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to transgender stories in the media.

Art Nouveau posters from the famous art movement. The latter half of the 19th century saw an increase in print media and advertising. Explore more in our exhibition Art Nouveau - A Universal Style.

Selection of Buddhist thangkas, belonging to different European collections

Selection of pieces on the labyrinth motif, in drawings, photographs and objects.

Selection of images about flamenco - cante, toque and dance

Gallery with extraordinary engravings on the art of alchemy, from different periods

Iconographic selection on the medieval theme of the Wheel of Fortune, and some modern variations

Selection of pieces on the motif of the witch in the West

Selection of works of art about gypsy women, created in different periods and with different artistic techniques. (Does not include photographs, which go in a separate gallery.)

From a leisurely cycle through the countryside to fast-paced races, cycling is a pan-European hobby, sport and means of transport. Feel the wind in your hair, race your friends down the street, or escape down the countryside with these images of bikes and…

A gallery of beautiful parrots from Europeana - in paintings, sculpture and photography.

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to the climate crisis.

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material showing interviews with celebrities.

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to poverty in Europe.

The story of fire for Corina DC FireLady art

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to historical disinformation and myths.

This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to the 1989 revolution.

From the expert hand of Gustave Doré, this gallery collects a selection of one of the most beautiful artistic works by the French painter and engraver.

The ancient Roman poet Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' depicts women turning into elements of the natural world. A shift from the male gaze in art occurs during the Renaissance period when women begin to represent themselves through self-portraits. By …

Voting and elections are an essential part of democracy and governance all around the world. This gallery of vintage photography from around Europe shows how we have voted over the years.

From calming to chilling and great forests to solitary trunks, explore these artworks which depict trees in urban and rural landscapes.