31 results within Person Antoine Favre
Antoine Favre
Savoisian lawyer, first President of the Sovereign Senate of Savoy
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Antoine Favre
Ghent University Library
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
National Library of the Czech Republic
Herzog August Library
Joannes Wamesius
Ghent University Library
Antoine Favre
Ghent University Library
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Herzog August Library
Antoine Favre
Ghent University Library
Antoine Favre
Complutense University of Madrid