
Explore our galleries

First held in 1928, Olympic torch relays have visited 30 different countries across Europe.


Kansas-born Amelia Earhart became a global phenomenon by succesfully completing a solo-flight across the Atlantic Ocean as the first woman in history. In 1937 an attempt to fly around the world led to her - still unresolved - disappearance.


The beauty of Paris has inspired artists for centuries.


Explore 3D models of buildings, sites and objects from across Europe. The Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, by the European Commission and the Europeana Initiative, invited European Union Member States to select and share at least one emblematic…


This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to Ancient Greece as seen by the media.


Visual identities of past summer and winter Olympic Games


This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to advertisements and their making.


The mastery that characterises Maiolica of Castelli from XVI to XIX century in Italy can be seen in this collection, which ranges from the distinctive majolica, known for their vibrancy and detailed narratives, to the practical ceramics vessels. Each piec…


Gallic capital, Bibracte hosted Vercingétorix as well as Julius Caesar! But its location was lost over time and it was not until 1865 that its location on Mont Beuvray was confirmed. The excavations carried out revealed its importance in the network of Eu…


The ancient Roman poet Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' depicts women turning into elements of the natural world. A shift from the male gaze in art occurs during the Renaissance period when women begin to represent themselves through self-portraits. By …


Gaius Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC), Roman general and politician, is one of the best-known characters in history, celebrated in art, literature, music, theatre. Galleries, museums and libraries preserve many images of him in infinite poses and situation…


The teddy bear is a rag, mohair or plush toy in the shape of a bear, born in the United States in the early 20th century; The name Teddy Bear derives from an episode that happened to the President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt, nicknamed "T…


Stromboli is one of the islands of the Aeolian archipelago, in ancient mythology the home of the god Aeolus. A legend says that the god of the winds was able to predict changes in the weather by observing the cloud of vapors that came out of an always act…


Explore this gallery featuring paintings, photographs and artefacts with sunflowers


Explore vintage photography, artworks and objects from the history of tennis


Synagogues, Jewish communities' places of worship, have been found across Europe for millennia. This gallery of photographs, postcards and drawings of synagogues - many of which are sadly no longer present - illustrate the rich religious and architect…


The first bicycle was brought to Hungary in 1878 by an engineer from Lincoln in the United Kingdom. The first bicycle excursion was organised in Easter 1881. The group of cyclists set off from Városliget, not far from the centre of Budapest, at 6 a.m. and…


Ο ιμπρεσιονισμός είναι ένα στυλ ζωγραφικής που αναπτύχθηκε στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα και δίνει έμφαση στην άμεση εντύπωση ενός καλλιτέχνη από μια στιγμή ή μια σκηνή, που συνήθως επικοινωνείται μέσω της χρήσης του φωτός και της αντανάκλασής του. Οι ιμπρεσιον…


Paintings, photographs and drawing depicting Venice, a city of canals which has attracted artists and visitors for centuries.


Paintings, photographs and artworks depicting Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, its architecture, landscapes and island archipelago


Explore the port city of Rotterdam, a vibrant city of modern architecture


Explore Rome, the Eternal City, in art and architecture


Explore art and architecture of Berlin


Explore these painitings, drawings and photographs of the fjords in Norway, where land meets sea in dramatic landscapes.