Explore Europeana


Europeano raziščite po temah

Navdihujoča umetnost, umetniki in zgodbe

Športna dediščina in kultura

Navdihujoče slike in zgodovina fotografije

Zamolčane zgodbe in uradne zgodovine prve svetovne vojne

Zemljevidi, globusi, grafi in drugo

Oblačila, dodatki in dizajni

Arheološki zakladi

Raziščite našo zbirko časopisov.

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Raziščite skrbno izbran uvodnik in poudarke zbirk

Odkrijte ugledne ženske in njihovo delo skozi zgodovino.

Raziščite zgodovino ljudi z gibalnimi omejitvami iz vse Evrope

a black and white photograph of a man sitting behind a loom-like device that has multiple threads coming down into the spine of a book. The man is in the process of threading a new page through the threads to add to the book.

Heritage showing how artisans and crafters have shaped and remade culture through the ages

Find your crayons! Sharpen your coloured pencils! And enjoy adding colours in one of the books we have prepared for you.

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Latest exhibitions

Comb in the form of two dragonflies

Explore the relationship between fashion, nature and craft

An illustration of the Arc de triomphe, in Paris. A frontal view of the monument on a sunny day. There are some people walking around it, and a few of them are horse-riding.

Emergence of the modern city

a closeup picture of a white round medical pill on a black background. On the pill the words 'the pill' are embossed.

How revolutionary medicine changed the course of history

black and white photograph of female athletes in a race

Visit our exhibition and explore the stories of athletes from 125 years of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Raziščite več razstav.

Latest galleries


The long and hard battle for social reform and a voice for women in politics.


Julia Margaret Cameron took up photography at the age of 48 after having received a camera as a gift.


Explore how washing hands and cleanliness have been depicted through the ages.


Artworks by LGBTQ+ artists and their portraits from across Europe.


Explore the magic of carnival through photographs, paintings and artefacts from across Europe.


The everyday lives of people from the African diaspora captured by photographers.

Three green apples in a small white bowl on a green background

Explore the colour green, the colour of nature, acceptance, emeralds, envy and more.


Discover wedding traditions across Europe through cultural heritage.


Edwin Land's Polaroid camera is synonymous with instant photography.

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Words and phrases across Europe to describe weather

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Table tennis world champions from Vienna

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The origins of the transatlantic shipping company Cunard Line

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The story behind a viral photograph of Swedish artist Einar Bager painting naked

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