
Čínske vplyvy, západná móda

Tieto hmotné spomienky na módu, nábytok a remeselnú zručnosť demonštrujú, ako motívy a predmety z Číny prevzali Západ a elegantne ovplyvnili jeho vkus a výrobu. Galéria kurátorom EFHA pre projekt PAGODE

Kramer, Rudolph (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

National Museum of World Cultures Foundation

Cooperation Initiative Museums Basel-Country

National Museum of World Cultures Foundation

Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives

Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives

Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg

Schaal, Margot (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation

Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Tallinn City Museum

Cooperation Initiative Museums Basel-Country

Nagel, Heinz (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

Textile Research Centre Leiden

Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg

National Museum of World Cultures Foundation

Gabinetto Fotografico SBAS. (Photographer)

Pitti Palace - Museum of Costume and Fashion

Gabinetto Fotografico SBAS. (Photographer)

Pitti Palace - Museum of Costume and Fashion

Nicaud; Nicaud; Nicaud (Designer); …

Victoria and Albert Museum