#reinventingBeethoven challenge

Discover the content and the creative projects from the #reinventingBeethoven challenge

Informazzjoni prattika u aħbarijiet

Skopri informazzjoni prattika u riżorsi edukattivi miftuħa dwar Beethoven

Skopri r-rebbieħa mill-isfida #reinventingBeethoven

Discover in this post how to encourage students and educators to use their creativity through digital cultural heritage

Kontenut Magħżul bir-Reqqa

Painting of Beethoven sitting in nature in front of trees with musical sheets on his lap.

Esplora din il-gallerija u skopri l-ħajja u x-xogħlijiet tiegħu

Painting of Beethoven sitting in nature in front of trees with musical sheets on his lap.
Blog post

L-Għanja lill-Ferħ ta’ Beethoven intgħażlet fl-1972 bħala l-innu uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea

Blog post

Esplora l-karrieri xjentifiċi u artistiċi ta’ Ludwig van Beethoven, Louis Braille, Mileva Marić, u Francisco de Goya

This Historiana's source collection focuses on the life of Beethoven and the values of his works for European identity