
Litteriżmu femminili fil-Medju Evu

Il-litteriżmu femminili matul il-Medju Evu kien sorprendentement għoli. Is-sorijiet kienu awturi u skribi. Ħafna nisa oħra ħeġġew il-qari u t-tagħlim, speċjalment nisa nobbli. Eżempju wieħed kien Christine de Pizan, poeta fil-qorti tar-Re Karlu VI ta’ Franza.

Simon Bening, follower

KB, National Library of the Netherlands

Heidelberg University Library

Simon Bening, follower

KB, National Library of the Netherlands

Masters of the Gold Scrolls

KB, National Library of the Netherlands

KB, National Library of the Netherlands

Master of the Dresden Prayer Book; Willem Vrelant, follower

KB, National Library of the Netherlands

Master Azor, follower

KB, National Library of the Netherlands