
Mosaics - eTwinning A la cA(R)T

In the framework of the European eTwinning A la cA(R)T we integrate in our project resources from Europeanna, so that students come in contact with elements of cultural heritage and specifically with the art of mosaics.

Unknown (ceramist)

Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage

Finnish Heritage Agency

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg

Göran Schildt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Mobilier National Collections

Archaelogical Receipts Fund

Archaelogical Receipts Fund

Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments

Archaelogical Receipts Fund

Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments

Μουρέλου - Ορφανού Έλλη (1922-2011)

Municipality of Larissa

Fine Arts Museum Vienna