22 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person Anton Dietrich

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Anton Dietrich

Deutscher Maler

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

Arnold, Christian Friedrich; Dietrich, Anton

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

Dietrich, Anton

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony

State Palaces , Castles and Gardens of Saxony