kształcenie na odległość

Znajdź tutaj plany lekcyjne oraz narzędzia, które pomogą Ci w prowadzeniu angażujących zajęć głębokiego nauczania poza salą lekcyjną

Scenariusze dla nauczania na odległość

Citizenship, Environment, IBSE, Literacy - Lower Secondary Education

Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness and expression, Language - Upper Secondary Education

Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness and expression, D&I - Upper Secondary Education

CLIL, Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness, Environment, Game Based Learning, IBSE, PBL, STEAM - Primary education

Citizenship, Cooperative learning, Language - Secondary Education, VET & Adult Education

Game Based Learning, STEAM - Upper Secondary Education

Art, English, Language subjects - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

Art, History, Language, Philosophy, STEAM - VET, Secondary education

Art, English, History - Upper secondary

English, History, STEAM - Upper secondary, VET

More online learning scenarios (otwiera się w nowym oknie)

Platforms to create eLearning activities with your students

This virtual learning environment offers innovative distant learning tools for history and citizenship education

Crowdsourcingowa inicjatywa i konkurs na transkrypcję dokumentów ze zbiorów Europeany

A crowdsourcing initiative that allows you to create and add subtitles to archival audiovisual content

Film instruktażowy Minecraft

The use of digital archives with game-based apps like Minecraft can offer you new possibilities for distance learning

How to create virtual spaces on Mozilla Hubs