3 364 rezultatų pagal Tema Varpinė

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A tower that contains one or more bells, or that is designed to hold bells

Denis Galloway

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

QUOST Ernest (1844-1931)

Mobilier National Collections

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Bernhard Åström

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Bernhard Åström

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Rafael Olin

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Rafael Olin

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Karl Alfred Nyström

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Kai Martonen

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania

Phoebus, Alexandru

National Museum of Art of Romania

Baltazar Apcar

Moldova National Museum Complex

Avakian, Hrandt

National Museum of Art of Romania

Poitevin-Schellety, Alexandru

Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea

VAN DER MEULEN Adam-François (1632-1690)

Mobilier National Collections

VAN DER MEULEN Adam-François (1632-1690)

Mobilier National Collections

Einar Sjöblom

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland