1 445 résultats dans Sujet Marine

1 445 résultats retournés

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Genre de représentation figurative dont le sujet est la mer

Huys, Frans, (1522-1562), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

Huys, Frans, (1522-1562), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

STARKE Friedrich (1802-1872)

Mobilier National Collections

ALAUX Jean (peintre du XIXe siècle); COUDER Jean-Baptiste-Amédée (1800-1864); COUDER Louis Charles Auguste (1789-1873, peintre)

Mobilier National Collections

Chirnoagă, Marcel

Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea

Porcher, Albert

National Museum of Art of Romania

Luchian Ștefan

Moldova National Museum Complex

Mobilier National Collections

Mobilier National Collections

LAURENS Jean-Paul (1838-1921)

Mobilier National Collections

LAGRENEE LE JEUNE Jean-Jacques (1739-1821, peintre)

Mobilier National Collections

Mobilier National Collections

Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History

Mobilier National Collections


The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

Truelsen, Mathias

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

IPPA Staff

National Library of Israel

Lev, Danny

National Library of Israel

IPPA Staff

National Library of Israel