973 061 tulokset sisällä Aihe Kirja
Painettu tai sähköinen teksti
National Library of Latvia
National Library of Latvia
Seegner, Franz Gr.
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Matiegka, Wenzeslaus Thomas
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Giuliani, Michel
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Berleen Danå Sara , Högskolan i Kalmar, Humanvetenskapliga institutionen; Petersson Ing-Marie , Högskolan i Kalmar, Humanvetenskapliga institutionen
Uppsala University
Beckman Björn , Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Uppsala University
Provincial Public Library. E.Smołki
Provincial Public Library. E.Smołki
Radu Băjenaru
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Victor Bobi
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Doru Moțoc
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Adrian Fochi
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Dimitrie Cantemir
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest