260 tulokset sisällä Paikka Esztergom

260 tulosta palautettu

Hakusi ei tuottanut enempää tuloksia.


Kaupunki Unkarissa

[Zapolya] Ioan

National Archives, Cluj County Service

Einczinger, Ferenc (1879-1950)

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Einczinger, Ferenc (1879-1950)

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Einczinger, Ferenc (1879-1950)

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Melichar, Martinus

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Melichar, Martinus

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Melichar, Martinus

Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Ismeretlen német mester (17. század 2 fele)

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum

Hungarian National Museum