24 tulokset sisällä Henkilö Joan Tomàs de Rocabertí

24 tulosta palautettu

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Joan Tomàs de Rocabertí

Roman Catholic archbishop

John Thomas of Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid

Hipólita de Jesús Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Hipólita de Jesús Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid

John Thomas of Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Vicente Ferrer

Complutense University of Madrid

Hipólita de Jesús Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid

John Thomas of Rocaberti

Complutense University of Madrid