#reinventingBeethoven challenge

Discover the content and the creative projects from the #reinventingBeethoven challenge

Informazio praktikoa eta albisteak

Eskuratu Beethoven-en inguruko informazio praktikoa eta hezkuntza baliabide irekiak

Ezagutu #reinventingBeethoven erronkaren irabazleak

Discover in this post how to encourage students and educators to use their creativity through digital cultural heritage

Komisariatutako edukiak

Painting of Beethoven sitting in nature in front of trees with musical sheets on his lap.

Arakatu galeria hau bere bizitza eta lana ezagutzeko

Painting of Beethoven sitting in nature in front of trees with musical sheets on his lap.
Blogeko mezua

Beethoven-en “Alaitasunaren oda” hautatu zen 1972. urtean Europar Batasuneko himno ofizial gisa

Blogeko mezua

Arakatu Ludwig van Beethoven, Louis Braille, Mileva Marić eta Francisco de Goya-ren ibilbide zientifiko eta artistikoak

This Historiana's source collection focuses on the life of Beethoven and the values of his works for European identity