15 results within Topic Costume jewelry
Costume jewelry
Jewelry made to complement current fashions usually made of inexpensive materials and often set with imitation or semiprecious stones
Mucha, Alphonse (1860-1939). Illustrateur
National Library of France
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
Veronese (1528-1588). Model Painter
National Library of France
National Library of France
Jacquemart and Benard (Manufacture). Undetermined function
National Library of France
Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation
Örebro Kuriren
Örebro County Museum
National Science and Media Museum Bradford
Peyre, Jules (18..?-18.. ; lithographe). Lithographe
National Library of France
Mondon, François-Thomas (17.? -17.?; draftsman). Engraver
National Library of France
National Library of France
German National Library
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France