
Spielerisch lernen mit digitalem Kulturerbe

Lernszenarien für Edutainment und Gamification

Art, Cultural awareness and expression, Game Based Learning - Early childhood & Primary education, Non-formal

English, STEAM - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

Cultural Heritage Through Games: Learning Past, Connecting Present and Future

Gamification - Lower secondary

Celebrations in Europe Scavenger Hunt

A learning activity to implement remotly with your students English, Language subjects - Upper secondary

Mysterious Disappearance Escape Room

Art - Primary school

English, History, Language subjects - Upper secondary

English - Secondary school, Vocational educational training

Black Cats, Broken Mirrors and Others – Let’s Talk About Superstitions

Art, English, History, Language subjects - Lower secondary, Primary school, Upper secondary

More Gamification Learning Scenarios (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)