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Museum of Science and Technology Dresden


Library of Geneva


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


Library of Geneva


Library of Geneva


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


Private collection, Belgium VII


Museum of Science and Technology Dresden


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


Library of Geneva


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


Library of Geneva


Centre National de l'Audiovisuel


Library of Geneva


National Science and Media Museum Bradford


Museum of Science and Technology Dresden

#agent_bed5f1df-c238-dc87-1a8d-7e6dc89444ed; #agent_0229f972-b0ad-3a89-0205-1b1d6eed10cd

Moravian Gallery in Brno

#agent_3ee9f43a-7f01-530c-e91a-79d702f34a25; #agent_12a58f07-0e47-581a-baf0-80f6e3254334

STAM Gent, Belgium


Library of Geneva